About Malvina Reynolds

The Cassandra Sessions features the music of Malvina Reynolds, a local folk musician who gained recognition as a songwriter when Harry Belafonte sang her Turn Around. Her songs were recorded by Joan Baez, Judy Collins, The Seekers, Pete Seeger, and the Limeliters, among others. She wrote songs for civil rights demonstrations, political causes, and toured Scandinavia, England and Japan. A film biography by Berkeley City Council Member Susan Wengraf, Love It Like a Fool , was made a few years before she died in 1978.

Creator Beth Wilmurt discusses why the songs of Malvina Reynolds inspired her, “Her lyrics grabbed my attention. Every time I pulled out a Malvina Reynolds song, it seemed a little bit strange: a little off, a little unusual, a little weird, yet captivating and very prescient.”

The Songs

The Cassandra Sessions features the following songs. Get excited for the show and listen to Malvina's originals on Spotify!

On the Rim of the World

This World

The World in Their Pocket

No Hole in My Head

From Way Up Here

What's Going on Down There

Singing Jesus

Uneasy Dreams Ring Like A Bell

Busting at the Seams

We Don't Need the Men

There’s a Bottom Below

The Desert

God Bless the Grass

Let it Be

Johny Built A House (Jenny Built A House)

The Last Time

Sing Along

I Don’t Mind Failing