Community Agreements

Shotgun Players’ Community Agreements

We want everyone in our theatre to feel welcome and included. Here’s how you can help us make that happen:

Be an ally.

If you witness or experience behavior that makes you or someone else feel unwelcome, uncomfortable, or unsafe, and you don’t feel comfortable addressing it at the moment, please reach out to a staff member or send an email to and we’ll make a timely plan to address it.

Be respectful of each others’ identities, and be thoughtful with your language.

Words or actions based on assumptions or generalizations about age, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or any other status or characteristic can be hurtful. It’s ok to be curious but please be thoughtful about what you ask. To be clear: making derogatory comments, jokes, or slurs (regardless of intention) is not welcome.

Be aware of personal space.

Uninvited physical contact or sexual attention, including comments, jokes, and innuendos are also unwelcome (and uncool).

Be challenged!

Our work is provocative. It might make you uncomfortable, (and that can be a good thing!) but we do not want to re-traumatize or harm our audience members. We promise to be upfront and provide content advisories and resources so you’re ready for all our plays.

We're human, and we all make mistakes. We also strive to do right, and when we don't, we listen, learn, and commit to do better, every step of the way.

Thank you for keeping Shotgun safe and inclusive for all! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us: