shotgun players purpose & history
Our Purpose
Shotgun Players is a company of artists determined to create bold, relevant, affordable theater that inspires and challenges audience and artist alike to re-examine our lives, our community, and the ever-changing world around us.
Our Story
Founding Artistic Director Patrick Dooley started the company in 1992 with ten eager actors and a bucket of black paint. Before finding our permanent home at the Ashby Stage in 2004, Shotgun Players performed in 44 different spaces, always striving for the same core values we believe in today: artistic excellence, social relevance, and community engagement. Nothing excites us more than taking on projects that other companies might deem too expensive, too unwieldy, or just plain impossible. As a result, audience and industry members alike have come to expect astonishing theater from Shotgun Players.
Our Community
We believe that it’s not enough to create exceptional theater; we’re also committed to making a difference in our community. Shotgun Players is dedicated to keeping ticket prices affordable, and we offer pay-what-you-can performances for the opening week of each production. Through our Make a Difference (MAD) campaign, we are able to offer $10 tickets to our patrons who are 25 years of age and younger. We also take pride in supporting local businesses! We feature goods from our neighbors in our lobby, and we offer programming that speaks directly to our neighbors by putting their stories onstage.
our statement of values
These are the values that guide us:
Welcoming Spaces
We invite you to participate. To make sure that you can, we will work to make our spaces affordable, accessible, and free of bias and injustice.
People First
We prioritize the health and well-being of our artists, staff, and audience.
Transparency and Accountability
We tell the truth about how we do our work, what we’ve done wrong, and how we plan to do better. We welcome your questions and feedback!
Progress not Perfectionism
We reject perfectionism and embrace the messy work of growing with continuous inquiry and experimentation.
Shift the Spotlight
We will focus our attention and resources on those who have been under- or mis-represented both on and off stage to make the theater we love and the world we desire.
Dream Big & Take Risks
We leap forward with unconventional thinking and explore the unknown to expand what is possible in theater and in the world.