The Shotgun Players

Daniel Alley
Associate Box Office Manager

Gracie Brakeman
Production Manager

Patrick Dooley
Founding Artistic Director

Liz Hitchcock Lisle
Managing Director

Joanie McBrien
Development Director

Salim Razawi
Casting Director

Alejandra Maria Rivas
MAD Coordinator, Company Associate

Molly Van Der Molen
Company Associate
The Shotgun Players
Artistic Company
Shotgun Players is one of the few mid-sized theaters that still maintains a core company of artists. The company meets the first Sunday of every month and goes away for a 3-day annual retreat to debate, analyze, and celebrate our craft and process. Company members are not just exceptional artists, they are also thoughtful, community-minded people who get the big picture. They are the heart and creative conscience of this organization.

Andy Alabran

Daniel Alley
Music Director

Nina Ball
Scenic Design, Costume Design, Scenic Artist

El Beh

Caleb Cabrera

Kevin Clarke

Valera Coble
Costume Designer

Perry Fenton
Actor, Director

Mark Jackson
Actor, Director, Writer

Heather Kelly-Laws
Stage Manager

Devon LaBelle
Props Designer

Susannah Martin
Director, Actor

Joanie McBrien
Development Director

Erin Mei-Ling Stuart
Actor, Choreographer, Director

Ray Oppenheimer
Lighting Designer

Richard Reinholdt

Cathleen Riddley

Katja Rivera

Leigh Rondon-Davis

Kenny Scott

Sharon Shao

Jon Tracy

Michelle Talgarow

Megan Trout

Beth Wilmurt
Actor, Director

Randy Wong-Westbrooke
Scenic Designer

Don Wood
Company Emeriti
- Katie Bales-Frassinelli
- Zehra Berkman
- Adam Bock
- Sibani Michael Bose
- Brady Brophy-Hilton
- Cassidy Brown
- Daniel Bruno
- Leith Burke
- Fontana Butterfield Guzmán
- Eric Burns
- Michael Cheng
- Christine Crook
- Reid Davis
- Beth Donohue
- Kimberly Dooley
- Patrick Dooley
- Mary Fairfield
- Michael Frassinelli
- Ryan Gowland
- Aedrey Grey
- Vanessa Hopkins
- Anna Ishida
- Richard Louis James
- Nikita Kadam
- Kevin Karrick
- Stacie Krajchir
- Dylan Kussman
- Gwen Larsen
- Liz Lisle
- Alex Lopez
- Ben Lovejoy
- Dave Maier
- Nick Medina
- John Mercer
- Trish Mulholland
- Ryan O’Donnell
- Chris Paulina
- Judy Phillips
- Benjamin Privitt
- Gina Pulice
- Roham Shaikhani
- Richard Silberg
- Marilyn Stanley
- Matt Stines
- Michael Storm
- Marin Van Young
- Andrea Weber
- Dan Wolf
- Clive Worsley
- Hanah Zahner-Isenberg
The Shotgun Players
Board of Directors

Debbie Arthur

Susan Champion

Vera Devera

Ipsheeta Furtado

May Lynne Gill

Lyndsey Heaton

Naomi Janowitz

Zack Kushner

Will Rountree

Maggie Salop
Board President

Ann Shannon

Richard West
Developing and evaluating Shotgun’s
strategic plan; reviewing and
approving Shotgun’s budget and
ensuring that its finances are sound;
evaluating the work of the artistic
director; and helping Shotgun
remain true to its mission and values.
The board’s governance work is
principally carried out at board
meetings (approximately six per year,
two hours per meeting) and its annual
retreat (typically a full weekend day in
January or February).
Volunteering as an usher or staffing
a Shotgun table at occasional
community events; serving on
one or more board committees or
task forces that work more closely
with the Shotgun staff in specific
areas (e.g. fundraising, budgeting
and financial oversight, executive
committee, etc.); and serving as
an ambassador for Shotgun in
your interactions with your own
Making personal financial
contributions to Shotgun that are
significant to that board member,
commensurate with the board
member’s capacity, and reflecting
that Shotgun is among the board
member’s primary philanthropic
interests; attending and (if
appropriate) bringing friends to
Shotgun’s annual fundraising event
(SASSAFRAS); promoting and
supporting the donor cultivation
efforts of the development staff; and
assisting as appropriate in soliciting
financial and in-kind donations from
others in the community.
We believe that our board will be at its best when the the collective members of the
board reflect certain qualities and values. Any given board member does not (and
probably cannot) represent all of these. But, as a whole, we strive to build a board
that reflects the following qualities:
• A strong interest in theatre, particularly the kind of theatre Shotgun makes
• A reflection of the diversity of the communities in which we live and work
• Experience, expertise, or interest in financial oversight
• Experience, expertise, or interest in fundraising
• Experience, expertise, or interest in interacting with community groups,
stakeholders, and local government to ensure that Shotgun’s mission is
and is perceived to be aligned with those groups
• Experience, expertise, or interest in computer and information technology,
including data management
• Experience, expertise, or interest in running a business (nonprofit or
for-profit) of a scale equivalent to or greater than Shotgun, as well as
experience serving on one or more boards of directors
Shotgun Players’ Board Emeriti
- Joel Ager
- Carol Amyx
- Ann Gabor Arancio
- Bill Bagnell
- Vini Beachem
- Kitty Bosher
- Kat Bruno
- Robert Burlin
- Gayle Burns
- Marc Chun
- Tony Drummond
- Nasos Eleftheriadis
- Charles Gary
- Ricky Grenis
- John Horsch
- Carolyn Jones
- Oliver Kellogg
- Mary Leichliter
- Deborah Lichtman
- Steve Love
- Lynn MacDonald
- Joseph Mallon
- Ken Martin
- Michelle Mattera
- Laura McNall
- Mina Morita
- Claire Mosher
- Richard Nelson
- Gary Osteraas
- Les Polgar
- Alex Poulsen
- Don Reed
- David Reid
- Pepi Ross
- Scott Sanders
- Michael Schnitzer
- Lois Schwartz
- Guenet Sebsibe
- Ragesh Tangri
- BiBi Tiphane
- Michael Torres
- Jed Waldman
- Tamara White
- Miki Yamamoto